Fenerbahçe gaziantep maçı

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The Zilart now who lost the power of telepathy and who were divided changed over time due to the influence of each mother crystal, as such the Zilart in each region took the form of each mother crystals Ark Angel. The Taru, Mithra, Hume, Galka and High Elf. The Zilart in Al'Taieu who were free from this influence continued to evolve and eventually became beings of light called Quasilumin. The Kuluu over time would of evolved in a similar fashion as the Zilart, but due to the actions of Diabolos and their own choice eventually became Tonberry and created massive temples in Uggalepih. As they devolved into mindless beasts, they dug into the earth and created the Den of Rancor below it. *Transformers The Fallen character from Transformers is an incredibly powerful prime character that was doing the bidding of Unicron, that in another dimension in the future had successfully taken over and dominated multiple versions of Cybertron. After the scream was heard he was sent by Unicron to the main dimension to weaken resistance there, and allow Unicron to attack Primus and destroy the ”main” dimension version of Cybertron. *FFXI ( Spoilers for Rhapsodies ) In FFXI, another version of you in another dimension attempts to stop the Cloud of Darkness by obtaining the help of Altana and the Avatars, even Phoenix aids you by bringing back all the many hero's of Vanadiel to fight alongside you at the very last mother crystal. Duy fenerbahçe Beni 6.Bölüm.

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